
Delivery in Russia:
  • Delivery is carried mostly by transportation companies "Delovye linii" and "Avtotraiding” to the office of company in the city from where order was made;
  • Packages weighting less than 10 kg can be delivered by courier services;
  • Self-delivery from facility is available(only with warrant for receipt).
Delivery to Belarus and Kazakhstan:

Also carried through the aforementioned transportation companies or shipping method proposed by the buyer.

Delivery to other countries:

Provide through company "TNT". Also we consider shipping method proposed by the buyer.          

The cost of transportation you can find on sites of transport companies.
Date of shipment and delivery conditions are reflected in the contract.

Self-delivery from facility requires warrant for receipt.                                                     

You can get more detailed information by contacting us by phone or e-mail listed in the contact information.